Viewzi and brand tags
Online search has never looked so good. You have properly heard of but today a new boy’s in town called Viewzi. has 18 different categories to view search results, ranging from site Information view to Power Grid View, and is a customized search aggregator with features far superior to those of its competitors. Unlike other visual search engines such as SearchMe, you can look up items across multiple platforms. Type in the name of a movie hitting the theatres next weekend and not only will you find reviews, news, and photos, but also videos, songs, and maybe even recipes!
Another new site utilizes the game of word association to provide companies with a window into public perception of their brand, product and/or service. Site visitors are asked to enter one word or phrase they associate with a particular brand logo. Interested parties can view results of 100+ brands in “cloud” view: words or phrases entered most show up in the largest font; those entered least appear in the smallest font. While there is no formal research methodology employed in the experiment anyone can participate and it is a great way for companies to get an immediate download on what web-users associate with their brand.