Spotting the original thinkers

I can feel the week coming to a slow down as we begin Friday at the Palais. I am already saying a few goodbyes to fellow colleagues who are getting ready to leave on Saturday back to China, Europe and Korea, and mentally preparing myself for the gruelling 16 hour trip back to Hong Kong. But it’s still not over yet, so I am going to make the most of my last day at the festival tomorrow.

The seminars I caught today were The Cannes Debate, Publicis and Sir John Hegarty and David Droga. Sir John’s candid remarks always prove he’s an original thinker. And next to Droga, the conversation is contrasting and colourful. I recall meeting Sir John Hegarty briefly at ADFEST in Pattaya many years ago while we were both waiting for our respective guests at the hotel reception. We both struck up a conversation and I was so taken aback at how open and warm he is. He’s definitely one of the people I look up to in the industry based simply on his ability to relate and connect with everyday people. So I am always grateful to listen to his thoughts.

After the seminars, I rush over to the much talked about Google beach after I see photos of my colleagues posted on Facebook hanging out there. It takes me a long line of 10 minutes to get in but it’s definitely worth it to experience the “sand-box.” With free drinks, games, and a college party atmosphere, I only stay long enough to chat with my Cheil colleagues before I am on my way to grab a table at the famous Coquillage Brun restaurant for their amazing seafood with my Cheil colleagues. I also invite Angela Ng, the head of the HK4A to join in our eating fest.

After dinner, instead of hitting the last round of parties, I go for a night cap with Kaitlyn Chang (Cheil Austria), Paul Chan (ECD of Cheil Hong Kong), Soomee (Global PR of Cheil) to a quiet bistro for a bottle of rose and ice-cream. We’re keeping fingers tightly crossed for tomorrow’s news as the Power Sleep campaign from Cheil Austria is shortlisted in Innovation and Titanium. Our Cannes experience is somewhat banking on this campaign winning a metal this year but we know it’s all about managing expectations, so on that note, I will sign off and look forward to the last day of Cannes, while awaiting good news!

Till tomorrow….

Via Digital Market Asia Mobile

Copenhagen INK

Lars is the owner of Copenhagen INK and is an experienced and passionate marketer with a proven track record of driving business impact through innovative commercial marketing initiatives.

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