Reaching the right campaign audience

As the number of viewing platforms proliferate and the current state of audience fragmentation, it is important for advertisers to measure their reach with their desired audiences. Reach measures how many unique individuals are exposed to an ad.

Nielsen conducted a study of six campaigns to understand the value of reach efficiency to see if advertisers are spending their dollars effectively.

Each campaign served about 25 million gross impressions, had similar gross rating points (GRP) levels and a desired audience of persons age 18-49. Using Nielsen Online Campaign Ratings benchmarks, the campaigns were assigned On-Target performance rankings of low, medium and high to the six campaigns. There were two campaigns within each category: one showing significantly below-average reach and one showing above-average reach (based on the average reach achieved by campaigns with 22-28 million impressions).

Campaigns and publishers with similar On-Target Percentages and GRP levels can generate significantly different target reach levels. For instance, Campaigns 3 and 4 both achieved a 74 per cent On-Target rate. However, Campaign 4 achieved a reach level that was nearly four times as large. While Campaign 2 appears to be a low performer in terms of its On-Target percent, it delivered reach more efficiently than Campaign 5, a high On-Target performer, meaning it reached more unique individuals within a specific audience.

Thus despite having similar parameters and goals, campaigns can perform differently based on the sites they’re served on. The report added, “The main factor in terms of a campaign’s reach efficiency is these sites’ ability to serve and optimise ads effectively. Keeping this idea in mind is critical for advertisers to understand whether Reach goals are met and which sites are contributing the most to this goal.”

“Reach efficiency should be strongly taken into consideration at all points of a campaign’s life if advertising dollars are to be spent most effectively. With the expansion of endless devices and ways to watch and consume content, it’s imperative that advertisers have the tools to develop campaign management strategies for optimising their performance within and across campaigns,” said Randall Beard, Global Head, Advertiser Solutions, Nielsen.

Via Digital Market Asia

Copenhagen INK

Lars is the owner of Copenhagen INK and is an experienced and passionate marketer with a proven track record of driving business impact through innovative commercial marketing initiatives.

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