#sowhoknew: Social stupidity

I sat in another airport lounge with an hour to kill and came across this fantastic article on social media facepalms one should avoid.

Social imitates life, so its hardly surprising that stupidity has no boundaries whether it is in the physical or virtual world.

Got a new credit card? Super exciting huh? (er no actually). Anyway, why not take a picture and post it online? As long as you trust your friends. And that random guy Mike who you met in a beach bar in Bermuda five years ago, then friended and subsequently forgot about. And who is currently called Maureen and is making a decent living out of identity theft.

Bad day at work? Think your boss is a complete tool? Ah why not have a rant about it on Facebook. Unless you have ‘friended’ your boss of course…

Selfies are harmless right? Pretty much I guess. Unless taken inappropriately. Like at a funeral maybe?

Photoshopping is ok isn’t it? Sure. Unless you completely lie about it when its blatantly obvious to everyone that you actually did use photoshop. And then compound the situation by hashtagging it. #nofilter #seriously?

Quoting facts is good thing right? It helps prove a point. Unless you don’t really know the fact in the first place. And then fail to check it. Ever heard of Google? So how can Gangnam Style have one billion views when the Worlds population is only 7 million? Hmm. Well, all I can say is that 73.6 per cent of statistics are made up on the spot. So majority rules. And that’s a fact.

Via Digital Market Asia Mobile

Copenhagen INK

Lars is the owner of Copenhagen INK and is an experienced and passionate marketer with a proven track record of driving business impact through innovative commercial marketing initiatives.

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