Building a Brand with Vine And Instagram

Building a Brand with Vine And Instagram 300x234 Building a Brand with Vine And InstagramVine and Instagram are enjoying a dramatic spike in usage today among users of all age groups, but particularly Millennials.

With the increasing popularity of posting short-form videos, many brands and businesses are wisely looking for effective ways to effectively utilize these social platforms.

Among newbies to these hot social properties, the question that first arises is whether short-form videos are better suited for advertising or brand building purposes.

When looking at the trends of both small businesses and national brands, short-form videos seem to have the most potential when it comes to building brands, especially when the brands are new and largely not established.

Below are a few shining examples of creative, relevant, and engaging short-form videos used expertly by a variety of companies.

  • USA Today offers short history snippets that give viewers a look at what historical and cultural events occurred on the same day of the month in past years.
  • GE posts short-form videos sharing fun facts and scientific information that is relatable to the general public.
  • Lowe’s offers quick “tips ‘n’ tricks” for home repairs and home improvements.
  • Santa Monica, CA chain Barney’s Beanery offers an incentives program for posting geo-tagged Instagram photos.

All told, there are many directions brands and businesses can take their social marketing efforts when it comes to short social videos, but the next question that comes to mind is how do you scale success? And how does this “success” translate to conversions?

While it is not possible to answer this question with a precise number or percentage, what can be measured is an increase in sales for the specific products and services promoted on social media through video.

Still not convinced that a platform like Vine, for example, can be an effective tool for marketing and branding? Check out the infographic from Tamba shared below. It just might change your outlook.

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Via Mobile Marketing Watch

Copenhagen INK

Lars is the owner of Copenhagen INK and is an experienced and passionate marketer with a proven track record of driving business impact through innovative commercial marketing initiatives.

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